January 30, 2008
Finished! TIF Challenge

January 23, 2008

January 16, 2008
What to Do Today...

I am currently having an artist's block. I don't know what to do today. I could do this: machine quilt. I have several tops that need to be finished. These are a couple of practice pieces that I hang on my design board.
Or I could paint some fabric with Setacolor like I did for the pear below. Or I could paint some paper towels and create some paper fabric and make something from it.
Or I could paint and stamp some ugly fabric so I will use it (like the fabric below.) I found a tub full of old fabric scraps from the 90's when I first started quilting. I can't believe some of the colors! Either I use it or toss it. Today, it would be nice to invite a few quilting friends over and see what we could make out of this. But my quilting buddies live too far away.
So, I will print out my 40% off coupon for the local scrap book store and go shopping. : ) When you are undecided, just shop.
January 9, 2008
New Banner
January 8, 2008
New Work

Holiday Fun

January 2, 2008
Do Something Creative Every Day

My New Year's resolution is printed on a mug that I found in a shop in Georgetown (DC area). "Do Something Creative Every Day" will be my motto this year. We have had a wonderful visit with our children. They fly back to California today and we will miss them terribly. I will have to light the fire on my creative muse and follow my new motto. I have several challenges to start and some to finish. We did so many things and explored DC this holiday season. So, I have lots of pictures to post later...But on to my bit of creativity I managed to squeeze in on New Year's Eve. Below is a picture of our grand dog, Betty. I made this little scarf for her. It has Velcro on it so it is easy to remove and she seems to really like it.
Betty Boop wearing her new scarf
Our creative daughter designed and made this dog sweater. Emma is modeling it here. We may start a new business designing doggy wear together.
Emma wearing her new sweater
One of my resolutions is to post pictures of my artwork everyday. After all, I will "Do something creative everyday".